
Margit Pogany (1880-1964) Australia
Born in Hungary in 1880, Margit Pogany was a painter and favourite model of the Rumanian sculptor, Constantin Brancusi. She studied in Hungary and France before her arrival in Australia in 1948. Pogany's paintings are typically central European in style and theme. She died in 1964. Pogány Margit és Brancusi.

Mészáros Andor:

Andor Mészáros (1900-1972), architect and sculptor, was born on 1 September 1900 in Budapest, son of Alexander Mészáros, solicitor, and his wife Bertha, née Grunsberg, who was a sculptress. To avoid involvement in an impending war, he emigrated to Australia, reaching Melbourne on 21 June 1939.

A Melbourne Museum emeleti tárlójában megtekinthető Mészáros Andor számos alkotása.

Judy Cassab

Dr Alex Sándor Kolozsy, C.D.V.A. 
Hungarian born in 1938 Kolozsvár Transylvania, (belongs to Rumania since 1920). As a child in 1944 refugee to Hungary. As a young Freedom Fighter in 1956 refugee to Holland, then migrated to Australia end of 1958. 

Also known as Imre Szigetti
  • Artist (Cartoonist / Illustrator),
  • Artist (Draughtsman),
  • Artist (Painter)
Mid 20th century Hungarian cartoonist and illustrator who migrated to Sydney in 1939. Before arriving in Australia Szigeti contributed illustrations to nearly 100 books, including editions of Poe and Baudelaire. 

Also known as Mo
  • Artist (Painter),
  • Architect ,
  • Artist (Cartoonist / Illustrator)
Popular and prolific late 20th century Hungarian born, Sydney and Canberra based, architect, cartoonist, watercolourist, illustrator and teacher. 

I am a professional landscape painter and abstract artist and sculptor.  I was born in Budapest, Hungary and immigrated to Australia in 1958.  I started painting in 1970 while practising as a Chartered Architect.  Following my retirement from Architecture in 1997 I commenced painting full time.

Alex Jobbagy
Alex S Jobbagy is an artist and multimedia designer living in Melbourne, Australia. He has many artworks in private collections all over the world.
In his art, Alex is committed to exploring the subconscious, often in classical realistic representation, while developing a symbolic process of social analysis based on a fusion of personal experiences and political, social and natural influences.
His commercial design work can be found on marketing collateral, business stationery, vehicles, buildings, web sites, TV, video and multimedia productions, also in more than 200 educational publications and books.
Alex is a member of NAVA, - National Association for the Visual Arts Pty (Australia).

Alex Jobbagy has been awarded the prestigious Pro Cultura Hungarica Memorial Award by the Hungarian Minister of Cultural Heritage for his artistic work.
This award is given to non-Hungarian citizens in recognition of their “outstanding merits in promoting and popularizing the values of the Hungarian culture abroad, and enriching the cultural relations between Hungary and other nations.”

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