
Young Voices of Melbourne
The Young Voices of Melbourne was founded in February 1990 by Mark O'Leary and is now regarded as one of Australia's finest children's choirs. Young Voices of Melbourne has presented many concerts at venues in and around Melbourne, featuring new music by Australian composers, world music from many countries and international classics, both new and old. The Director, Mark O'Leary has special interests in Kodaly teaching techniques, the development of excellence in music education and children's choirs, and Australian choral music. He presents many workshops each year on choral music education throughout Australia, is guest conductor at many festivals, and is an honorary life member of the Kodaly Music Education Institute of Australia. Mark is also the Principal Guest Conductor of Gondwana Voices, Australia's national children's choir.

Kodaly Teaching in Australia
 KMEIAA Kodaly-based approach is used in the teaching of aural and music reading skills. Kodaly teaching provides a medium for effective and enjoyable music education, which enables children to develop real musical skills. Mark O'Leary is currently President of the Kodaly Music Education Institute of Australia Victorian Branch, and both Mark and Marion Stafford are honorary Life Members of this organisation. See kodaly.org.au for more information on Kodaly teaching.  

Ausztráliában is híressé vált zenész, Orszáczky Miklós 'Jackie'.  1974 tavaszán Ausztráliába disszidált. Ott először a, majd Bakery a Marcia Hines tagja, zeneszerzője volt. Saját zenekart is alakított Bermoida néven. Rengeteg más zenekarban is szerepelt a távoli kontinensen. Felesége Tina Harrod énekesnő. Több infó itt olvasható.

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